All you need is regression - dr. Ofer Engel
Dr. Ofer Engel
Dr. Ofer Engel will give us a workshop on regression and statistical model selection. To do statistics, you need only regressions (and forget everything else)!
During this workshop, you will learn how to choose an optimal statistical test for your research. Everything comes down to regression.
This is the second workshop of a series of workshops "GSMS Statistics Lab" . Topics for future workshops will be discussed during our first meeting. We will also ask for volunteers to help prepare the upcoming workshops' content.
What: All you need is regression workshop
When: 15 March 15.00 - 17.00.
Where: 3219.0167 (online participation is also available)
Cost: Free
Register here!
The workshop will be held on-site and online simultaneously; you can choose your preference when registering for the event.