PhD Support
In addition to the support services of the University of Groningen, the Graduate School of Medical Sciences also offers several types of support during your PhD trajectory.
International conflicts: reach out for support!
We have many international colleagues and friends who might be affected by distressful situations developing in their home countries, so please reach out for support. Let's be compassionate keeping an eye out for our friends, colleagues, and their families.
If you feel affected by the protesting situation in Iran, do not hesitate to reach out to us, remember we are here to support you!
If you feel affected by the Ukrainian/Russian developing war situation, please know that you are not alone!
The University of Groningen (RUG) and University Medical Center (UMCG) are taking every measure to support.
The RUG has made a frequently asked questions page about the invasion in Ukraine. Among others, information can be found on financial matters and staying in Groningen. But also what you can do if you would like to offer your help. If you have another question not listed on this page you can send your question to
In need of a listening ear? Contact our confidential advisor Stella Noach at
Of course, also reach out if you need support because of the COVID-19 pandemic, or any other reason.
GSMS PhD confidential advisor and PhD counselor - Stella Noach
Dr. Stella Noach - GSMS PhD confidential advisor and PhD counselor
She has a background in Biology and has a PhD in Population and Evolutionary Biology. She encountered all facets, both positive and negative, of ‘being a PhD’. After being a post doc in stem cell research for 5 years at the UG, she made a career switch, and became a research coordinator in the UMCG. In this position she guided many PhD students throughout their trajectory. Since 2019, she has been the GSMS PhD councelor and PhD confidential advisor.
To make a confidential appointment with Stella, please send an email to:
Interview with Stella Noach
1. How would you define your role?
I have two roles, PhD confidential advisor and PhD counsellor. In both roles, I keep all my conversations with PhD’s confidential.
As confidential advisor, I listen, guide and support in situations concerning undesirable behavior/social safety (discrimination, aggression, [sexual] harassment, bullying).
As PhD counsellor, I advise and help, for instance, in situations that may cause an unhealthy work/life balance or if you find it difficult to communicate with your supervisors. But also, when you hesitate whether doing a PhD project is the right choice for you or want to know more about your career after your PhD, I can advise.
2. What are the most common issues you get contacted with as confidential advisor?
It is issues of all kind that are hampering the progress of the PhD project. This may be things in the private situation or things at work. Since my conversations are confidential, I cannot elaborate in detail on this question.
3. What kind of other issues can students contact you with?
PhD’s who feel stressed, or can’t find the right work/life balance or encounter difficulties in planning the PhD work can contact me. Or if you just want to have a listening ear for issues you encounter that bother you, I’ll have time for you.
4. How will you help students that contact you? What can and can't you do to help them?
My task as confidential advisor is to listen, guide and support the PhD. I will always back up/take the side of the PhD. But I will not take any action on my own and I will not discuss the issue with anyone, unless you specifically ask for this or give permission. The PhD is always in the lead. I can join you to a conversation, for instance with a supervisor, but I will not do the talking; So, I am not a mediator.
If the PhD gives permission to me to talk with others, I can for instance discuss the issue with other confidential advisors in the UMCG or the director of the GSMS. If it’s advisable to take action, this will of course also be discussed with the PhD first.As counsellor, I can help analyze what causes, for instance, stress. If necessary, I can also join you to a meeting with a supervisor. In this role, I can take part in the conversation, in seeking solutions to make things better for you. I also refer to workshops and courses provided by the GSMS and university or, if necessary, bring you in contact with one of the PhD psychologists. Furthermore, I am also the coach of the GSMS Support groups in planning and writing your thesis.
5. How can students contact you?
Via email: (preferable) or . I will always respond within 3 working days, but mostly even on the same day. I will propose several dates/times for a meeting, which can be live in my room or online. My room is in de Brug (the Bridge), 2nd floor, room 0211. It is far away from the rest of the GSMS office, so you can come to me quite unseen.
6. Do you have any other important remarks?
As counsellor and confidential advisor, I aim for contributing to make your PhD-period a pleasant time in a safe environment and help prevent possible obstacles.
I am a good listener and easy approachable. I hope that you will find your way to me if you have any issues on your PhD that you would like to discuss with someone outside your department.