Are you unintentionally p-hacking? A prevention workshop
Maurits Masselink
The GSMS PhD Council | Educational events
A p-hacking prevention workshop | June 2nd | AT 15.00- 17.00
In research it is common to use p-values to decide whether an effect is found in a study or not. But can the p-value be trusted? It turns out that more often than researchers realize, it cannot! Too often researchers unintentionally p-hack their results to their favored outcome. The fact p-hacking (most often) happens unintentional is scary, it means that it potentially can happen to all of us. In this workshop we will discuss what p-hacking is, how it happens, how to spot it, and importantly, what researchers can do to prevent it from happening as best as possible.
Maurits Masselink is a postdoctoral researcher working at the UMCG. His research interests are in psychology, psychiatry and research methodology. Maurits is a strong advocator of Open Science practices and is one of the founders of the Open Science Community Groningen (OSCG). The OSCG aims to facilitate large-scale adoption of open, reproducible and responsible science practices within the University of Groningen (UG) and the University Medical Center (UMCG). For more information and to join the OSCG visit the website
The workshop will be consisted of two parts, 1-hour presentation and 1-hour discussion
When: June 2nd, at 15.00-17.00
Where: Zoom
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